
Individual Character

Inspiring principles
Comprehensive formation of pupils in accordance with a Christian conception of the person, of life and of the world.

Choice for the weakest

In their economic level, intellectual capacity or other type of limitation.

Living Gospel values

Through which we reveal that God loves us.

Relationships and educational climate based on simplicity.

Living Gospel values

Living the Gospel values of respect for life and nature, encouraging responsibility in the face of the progress of science and technology.

Commitment to justice and universal solidarity

With an active participation in the transformation and improvement of society.

Aspects of our educational action

Integral education: We want to accompany our pupils in their growth as individuals and help them develop all their abilities, not only their intellectual ones.

Attention to diversity

Personalised attention. Openness and training in respect for other cultures.

Social commitment

Critically analysing the society in which we live, with its values and counter-values. Encouraging and accompanying our students to take on concrete commitments, each one from their own age, in favour of the impoverished of our world. Social commitment.

Close and collaborative relationships

Fraternal educational environment. Cooperative learning. Teacher presence based on closeness and availability.

Education in faith

Showing today’s children and young people that it is possible to be modern and a believer. Accompanying them in their process of maturing in faith.

ICT in the service of education

Using the resources offered to us to develop the pupils’ capacities. Making relational values prevail over technical ones.

Systematic evaluation

Always looking for a continuous improvement of our educational action.

Questions fréquemment posées

Qu'est-ce qui nous identifie à l'école Azobé?

Nous sommes une école qui vise l’excellence académique, mais aussi l’excellence humaine, car une bonne personne est généralement un bon professionnel. C’est pourquoi le respect des autres, de soi-même, et du travail bien fait sont des valeurs humaines et chrétiennes que nous inculquons à nos élèves en collaboration avec leurs parents. Nous avons pour objectif ambitieux de servir la société, les familles et les étudiants.

Que signifie le fait que l'école Azobé soit membre du réseau Parentes International Education Network?

Les écoles du Parentes International Education Network promeuvent des valeurs morales et culturelles liées au travail bien fait, au désir de s’améliorer et de se dépasser, au respect, à la promotion de la liberté et de la responsabilité personnelle. De même, des valeurs telles que la loyauté, l’honnêteté, la justice, la solidarité et la paix sont encouragées. Tout cela repose sur une vision chrétienne de la personne et du monde.

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